Spinal and Disc Degeneration

27 Jun
by Dr. Andrea, posted in Chiropractic   |  Comments Off on Spinal and Disc Degeneration

Last month I chatted with you about a condition that I see in my practice every single day – Osteoarthritis, Disc, and Spinal Degeneration. And I mentioned to you that it usually has a start in childhood – from a fall off a bike, off a tree, off a fence, hockey, skateboard, etc., – the causes are numerous.

Whatever the incident, it produces a Vertebral Subluxation which your child’s body then needs to adapt to. And it starts to learn how to adapt – the Vertebral Subluxation becomes a habit. It becomes a neurological pattern. And it affects the function of the nervous system. And it starts to affect body functions. And we have a problem.
I also mentioned that as the Subluxation escalates and becomes a habit, it tends to produce a progressive sequence of spinal and disc degeneration in four very specific phases.

I have also mentioned earlier, that for years there has been a general feeling that arthritis and all the Phases of Degeneration I described to you in the last issue of this newsletter, is simply just a normal part of aging – you are getting older. I would like to state emphatically that this type of thinking is absolute nonsense. It is like having Cerebral Constipation!

We know for a fact that Osteoarthritis and Spinal Degeneration are NOT caused by aging. This is not some “aging disease.” And it does not mean that your fate will be some rocking chair – your hands all gnarled and stiff – unable to walk. No. This is caused by some of the vertebrae of the spine being subluxated – and being that way for years – while others are perfectly normal.

Consider a case, for example, which I would see quite often in my office. This is an example of an individual who came to see me in pain, perhaps in the back, legs, weakness, numbness and tingling, cramping in the calf, and possible difficulty with bowel or bladder function. In most cases, this person would seek the opinion of the family medic who would perform an examination, followed by x-rays, and would discover that the bottom disc of the spine is severely deteriorated while the disc, two or three above that one, would be perfectly normal. This person would then be told that they have arthritis and degeneration because they are getting old!

Let’s look at the logic closely: How many of you would feel that the two discs and vertebrae I just described, because they belonged to the same person, are most likely the same age?  If you said yes, you are definitely on the ball. If the deterioration of this person’s disc (and spine) was due to his/her age, then the disc above it, below it, and everywhere else would look exactly the same. Is that logical? I’d say so. And, in almost every case I have seen at my office, there is usually one, or two, or perhaps three discs that are deteriorating and the rest are quite normal.

The point I am making is that Spinal Degeneration has little to do with aging.

I repeat – nothing to do with aging. It has everything to do with the fact that there is a subluxation in their spine which has been there for decades and has never been corrected! And….that person is allowing it to remain! Crazy!
Would you be in trouble? Yes! I would definitely agree with you! Yes!

What if it controlled your bladder? You’d be running to the bathroom constantly! And even dribbling!

And what if that nerve controlled your breathing? You would have difficulty catching your breath – Asthma.

Subluxations – they are not fun! And they can be likened to a dental cavity – causing destruction of the surrounding tissues over the course of time!

Earlier, I mentioned subluxations occurring during the process of delivery, and this is the very reason I very often find the beginnings of Spinal Degeneration in children who are ten, six, or even five years old. It is the beginning of the process. If I then saw this particular child as an adult at the age of thirty five, I would most likely see that same condition but much, much, more advanced – probably where you are!

But not all is Doom and Gloom. This next bit of news may just brighten up your day: A number of years ago, approximately fifty chiropractic doctors, from the Province of Ontario, Canada, were involved in a major research study that involved literally thousands and thousands of patients. They discovered that if a patient was placed on a schedule designed to actually correct their Subluxation habit and pattern, it was then possible to not only slow down the process of Spinal and Disc Degeneration, but also eventually arrest and stop it, and even reverse the damage. It could be reversed! Let me repeat this sentence to make sure there is no misunderstanding:

Spinal and Disc Degeneration can be not only slowed down and stopped, but also reversed. That’s profound!

Just a few years ago in October, he published a sequel to that original research paper where he found that over 85% of children demonstrated the beginnings of Spinal Degeneration! 85%! I am not ok with that!

The point I want to emphasize is that it is very important to have children checked to determine whether or not they have subluxations. Not only from the perspective of insuring normal health and function of the nervous system, but also to make certain that there is no error in the function of the vertebrae that would then cause this degenerative process to start.

Dr. Ogi Ressel, D.C.

So… please have your kids checked at our office – I want to make sure they are the
best they can be! It is a smart thing to do! And it would be my greatest pleasure to be able to check your kids! Simply ask me to schedule time for their check-up and I’ll take it from there. Easy!
I am very dedicated to the health of our children. I want to make certain that their generation grows up believing in the Power that makes their body function as it was meant to!

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