When the body has an injury, the cells are damaged and fail to function normally. This means that each damaged cell loses its ability to do normal functions, including the ability to heal the tissues around it. Low level lasers from the Cold Laser machine penetrate deep into the skin and work by restoring normal cell function. It uses a non-heat producing light laser, one that is set at a specific wavelength to penetrate and treat the damaged tissue. The specific wavelength of the laser allows it to stimulate changes in the tissue and enhance each cell’s normal function. Cold Laser Therapy is quickly emerging as the therapeutic modality of choice in the healing arts community.
The biological effects of Cold Laser Therapy have been shown to significantly accelerate and enhance the body’s natural ability to defend against injury and repair damaged tissue. By reducing the duration of the inflammation stage and enhancing the healing process, Cold Laser Therapy has been proven to relieve pain, increase circulation, reduce damage caused by injury, and prevent the loss of function to the injured area. This type of therapy enables the body to repair tissue more rapidly, while building stronger tissue in the process.