
Pregnancy and Chiropractic

03 May
by Dr. Andrea, posted in Blog, Chiropractic   |  Comments Off on Pregnancy and Chiropractic

Pregnancy and Chiropractic

The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces interference to the nerve system and balances maternal pelvic muscles and ligaments. This in turn reduces torsion in the uterus, a cause of intra-uterine constraint of baby and allows for optimal fetal positioning in preparation for birth.

Chiropractors work with the body’s ability to adapt and function the way it is designed to. Pregnancy and chiropractic care, it is vital to the normal physiological function of both the mother and baby in pregnancy and birth:

In the mother:

-Prepares the pelvis for an easier pregnancy and birth by creating a state of balance in pelvic bony structures, muscles, and ligaments.

-Removes tension on the ligaments that support the uterus thus reducing torsion (intra-uterine constraint) to the woman’s uterus.

-Reduces interference to the mother’s vital nerve system which controls and co-ordinates all of her systems and functions.

-Allows for a safer easier birth for the mother decreasing the potential for intervention.

To the infant:

-Removes interference to the mother’s nerve system allowing for better baby development.

-Allows the baby the room to develop without restrictions to its forming cranium, spine, and other skeletal structures.

-Offers the baby the room to move into the best possible position for birth.

-With proper fetal positioning, there is a significant decrease in dystocia and the resulting birth trauma caused by intervention.


19 Apr
by Dr. Andrea, posted in Blog, Chiropractic   |  Comments Off on INFERTILITY


One of the most devastating problems facing many couples today is not being able to have a child. I see infertility in many of my patients and the anguish is nothing short of heartbreaking for those who really want to have one. Many such couples have been everywhere – clinics for fertility enhancing drugs, vitamin injections, artificial insemination, and counseling.

Understanding the process of conception is important. A fallopian tube is one of a pair of long, slender ducts serving as a passage for the ovum (eggs) from the ovary to the uterus and named after Italian anatomist Gabriello Fallopio. When a woman ovulates, the egg goes down one fallopian tube one month and then down the other fallopian tube the next. It alternates to give one or the other a “break”.

The egg starts at one end of the tube and ends up at the uterus or womb at the other end. The egg does not swim or have flippers, arms, or, legs. It’s carried along by what we call passive transport. In other words, it’s simply a bystander going for a ride – much like a ride in a convoluted water tube of a water park. The reason this takes place is because of a very exact function of the different muscles that make up the walls of the fallopian tubes. They literally “squeeze” the egg from one end of the tube to the other. The purpose of this function is to meet the sperm at the other end so that fertilization can take place and a fetus can start to develop.

This process is called peristalsis and is similar to swallowing while you eat: the muscles in your esophagus – the tube through which you swallow food – literally guide what you have just swallowed all the way down into your stomach. The same process happens with the fallopian tube.

In most couples who are labeled infertile it seems that the egg is not able to make it through the tube to meet the sperm. Unless that union is allowed to take place, there is no pregnancy, hence no baby.


Let’s look at this even closer.

The muscles of the ducts propel the egg from one end to the other, in order to meet the sperm. In cases of infertility, however, this does not take place. Why would muscles that are designed and programmed to perform that very special function every month, decide suddenly that they simply won’t do it? Well, the answer is quite simple – it’s not their decision. The muscles of your body do not decide on their own what to do. They are literally ordered or not ordered to do their job.

In cases of infertility, I have found that the muscles are simply not able to take the egg from one end of the fallopian tube to the other. In most cases, it’s the fault of the nervous system that controls that very function. From my experience as a chiropractor in Overland Park, I have found that the culprit is a misaligned vertebra, generally in the lower spine, which interferes with the manner in which the fallopian tubes would normally function. By correcting this and allowing the nervous system to control the function of those fallopian tubes normally, couples can achieve pregnancy.

If you, or someone you know, are having difficulty achieving pregnancy, I strongly suggest they consult a chiropractor in Overland Park for an opinion first, before time is wasted on seeking some new wonder drug or therapy.


Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care in Overland Park for Relief of Allergies

19 Apr
by Dr. Andrea, posted in Blog, Chiropractic   |  Comments Off on Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care in Overland Park for Relief of Allergies

At Stephens Chiropractic and Wellness we will use acupuncture and chiropractic care in Overland Park for relief of allergies.

Many people feel it’s simply OK to have allergies. That it’s quite normal to be allergic because so many other people are also afflicted. That it’s OK to have a season for coughing, blowing, wheezing, and sneezing. IT’S NOT!

Thousands of children (and their parents) in communities all over the world, are affected by the allergy “thing”. For those of you who haven’t, you’re looked upon with envy at certain times of the year. Millions of hard earned dollars are spent on over-the-counter drugs, weekly shots and physician visits. Then there’s time off from school (or work) and the effect of little “Sneezy” on the family.

The toll from allergies is immense. It may sound appalling, but that toll is much to the delight of the pharmaceutical cartel. There’s great profit at stake!

Many parents don’t question why their children or even themselves have allergies. It has just become an accepted fact of life. Allergies seem to be a problem with no apparent solution. What is that?

What makes one child allergic and another not? Why would one child be allergic to cats, dogs, fur, feathers, grasses, tree pollens, or my all time favorite – PEANUT BUTTER? We all live on the same planet. We’re all essentially the same. If I took one individual with allergies and one without and boiled them down to their essentials, I would end up with approximately 32 kilograms of chemicals. The rest would be water, but the chemical composition would be the same in both individuals.

The difference is most often seen in how one child’s body is able to adapt to her environment and another is not.

Simply put, an allergy is the inability of your child’s body to handle something that is in their immediate environment – pollen from trees, grasses, flowers, or peanuts. (There are also allergies to drugs, harsh detergents, and other chemical agents. These allergies are seen as a protective reaction and are not the type I am discussing.) In other words, your child seems to be very sensitive to the pollen or dust in her environment. This is called being hypersensitive. Something is making your child’s body hypersensitive to a perfectly normal part of the environment! If that’s the case, what should the solution be? Would it include getting rid of all the flowers, trees, grasses, and peanuts? Or does it make more sense to try and make your child’s body function normally so it can handle his or her environment in a normal fashion?