Allergies and Chiropractic Care in Overland Park
Allergies and Chiropractic Care in Overland Park
Many people feel it’s simply OK to have allergies. That it’s quite normal to be allergic because so many other people are also afflicted. That it’s OK to have a season for coughing, blowing, wheezing, and sneezing. Overland Park chiropractors say IT’S NOT!
Thousands of children (and their parents) in communities all over the world, are affected by the allergy “thing”. For those of you who haven’t, you’re looked upon with envy at certain times of the year. Millions of hard earned dollars are spent on over-the-counter drugs, weekly shots and physician visits. Then there’s time off from school (or work) and the effect of little “Sneezy” on the family.
The toll from allergies is immense. It may sound appalling, but that toll is much to the delight of the pharmaceutical cartel. There’s great profit at stake!
Many parents don’t question why their children or even themselves have allergies. It has just become an accepted fact of life. Allergies seem to be a problem with no apparent solution. What is that?
What makes one child allergic and another not? Why would one child be allergic to cats, dogs, fur, feathers, grasses, tree pollens, or my all time favorite – PEANUT BUTTER? We all live on the same planet. We’re all essentially the same. If I took one individual with allergies and one without and boiled them down to their essentials, I would end up with approximately 32 kilograms of chemicals. The rest would be water, but the chemical composition would be the same in both individuals.
The difference is most often seen in how one child’s body is able to adapt to her environment and another is not.
Simply put, an allergy is the inability of your child’s body to handle something that is in their immediate environment – pollen from trees, grasses, flowers, or peanuts. (There are also allergies to drugs, harsh detergents, and other chemical agents. These allergies are seen as a protective reaction and are not the type I am discussing.) In other words, your child seems to be very sensitive to the pollen or dust in her environment. This is called being hypersensitive. Something is making your child’s body hypersensitive to a perfectly normal part of the environment! If that’s the case, what should the solution be? Would it include getting rid of all the flowers, trees, grasses, and peanuts? Or does it make more sense to try and make your child’s body function normally so it can handle his or her environment in a normal fashion? Visiting a chiropractor in Overland Park can help you find the answers to your child’s allergies!
Acupuncture and Infertility in Overland Park
Acupuncture and Infertility – Overland Park
Acupuncture in Overland Park can help with infertility by addressing problems, such as, hypothyroidism (an under-functioning thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (an over-functioning thyroid), that could be affecting a women’s ability to reproduce. With acupuncture in Overland Park, tiny needles are inserted into certain acupuncture points that reside on what are called meridians. When these points are needled it can help regulate the way the body functions.
Can acupuncture be used to treat infertility?
Yes, acupuncture has been used for centuries in treatment of some, but not all, causes of infertility. While acupuncture in Overland Park hasn’t been shown to work in addressing tubal adhesions, which often times occurs due to pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis; it can still be beneficial in improving ovarian and follicular functions. It will also increase blood flow to the endometrium which will help facilitate a thick and rich lining.
When should acupuncture treatment begin?
Acupuncture in Overland Park is a process-oriented method of medical treatment and it is always better to do more than less. Treatment varies from person to person since chronic conditions tend to take longer to treat than acute ones.
What are the risks of using acupuncture?
Acupuncture in Overland Park is extremely safe with very minimal risks despite a person’s medical history.
Natural Tips for Infertility:
Benefits Of Fertility Acupuncture in Overland Park:
– Regulating the menstrual cycle
– Thickening the endometrial lining
– Enhancing cervical mucus
– Encouraging ovulation
– Reducing stress level
– Enhancing libido
– Preventing miscarriages
– Strengthening of the immune system
– Decreasing elevated levels of FSH
– Clearing Blocked Fallopian Tubes
– Improving mobility, quality and quantity of sperm
Fertility Recommendations:
Avoid the two most common allergens DAIRY and GLUTEN:
Dairy products account on average for 60-70 percent of estrogens consumed. Humans consume milk from cows in the second half of pregnancy when cows estrogen levels are high. We usually associate dairy and drinking milk with calcium, and never think about what else we may be consuming along with the calcium (and dairy, by the way is not the best source of calcium). Here is a list of hormones that have been found in cows’ milk:
- Prolactin
- Somatostatin
- Melatonin
- Oxytocin
- Growth hormone
- Lutenizing releasing hormone
- Thyroid stimulating hormone
- Estrogens
- Progesterone
- Insulin
- Corticosteroids and many more
Do you think an excess consumption of all these hormones could disrupt your own hormonal balance? You bet!
A gluten intolerance alone cannot cause infertility; however, the resulting inflammation in the gut can minimize your nutrient absorption and lead to deficiencies in nutrients you need for optimal sperm, egg and hormone production and a healthy pregnancy.
Avoid Coffee, Alcohol, Smoking:
You may not want to hear this, but drinking coffee decreases fertility. A large study from Connecticut found as little as 1 cup of coffee per day increases the risk of not conceiving by 55 percent. And if you have 2-3 cups per day that risk rises to 100 percent and continues to increase with an additional cup up to 176 percent. And did you know that women who drank coffee before and during pregnancy had twice the risk of miscarriage?
Alcohol is harmful to women’s eggs and men’s sperm and as little as one glass can reduce fertility by 50 percent! This can further lead to damage of the developing embryo and may result in miscarriage. And although it’s been known for a long time that drinking while pregnant is a no-no, drinking before pregnancy has been largely ignored.
This doesn’t stop with coffee and alcohol. Smoking and recreational drugs can also reduce your odds of conception. A study tested the effects of cigarette smoking on semen quality in men and found that sperm motility (ability to propel forward) decreased in light smokers while heavy smoking produced abnormal sperm shape. Scientists have discovered that quitting smoking may increase sperm count in men who quit smoking for 5-15 months by 50 percent to 800 percent respectively.
An optimal fertility diet is about what to avoid as much as it is about what to include. A fertility diet should be as fresh as possible and organic wherever possible. Key elements are; good quality protein sources (favor vegetable sources of protein) and good fats.
What should you eat?
- Organic meat in small quantities, game, small deep sea fish like sardines and red snapper, organic legumes home cooked (not canned).
- Whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit in season, organic where possible.
- Increase your consumption of good fats and avoid dangerous fats. Good fats include monounsaturated fats in olive oil, polyunsaturated fats in oily fish and nuts and midchain fatty acids found in coconut oil.
- For cooking use clarified butter (ghee) or coconut butter (without flavor) as they do not become unstable when heated.
- For non-heated oil requirements (salads etc) use cold pressed olive oil, flaxseed oil and nut oils.
Regardless of whether you are eating organic produce and a healthy diet, you are unlikely to be getting all the nutrients your body needs for optimal fertility from your diet. This is why supplementation is important.
Getting pregnant and growing a new human being with your own reserves, requires a surplus of nutrients and energy. In your body’s accounting terms, pregnancy is a luxury, a splurge of energy and nutrients. Some of the key nutrients for fertility are:
- Zinc
- Selenium
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- B12
- B6
- Folic acid
- Vitamin C
- Omega-3 fats
Other recommendations:
Avoid stress. Exercise. Develop a consistent sleep pattern. 8 glasses of water per day. Acupuncture and Chiropractic care in Overland Park to gain optimal health and balance of your body!
Chiropractic Care For Healthy Children
Why chiropractic care for my child? His back doesn’t bother him!
Doctors of chiropractic hear from parents that they appreciate the importance of regular check-ups for their child’s teeth, eyes and ears, but they draw a blank when it comes to a spinal check-up. Yet that could be one of the most important check-ups your child will ever have! Chiropractic care for healthy children is essential.
You might be surprised to learn that most adult problems chiropractors deal with actually have a start in childhood. For example, the “growing pains” of a 12-year-old boy can become crippling low back and leg pains in adulthood; the “jolly jumpers” used by a toddler can cause spinal curvatures (scoliosis) in the adolescent. Your child’s spine is his or her lifeline. Running through it is a spinal cord containing billions of nerves that send messages and information from the brain to every part of the body and back again.
Yes, we all have our very own internet! As long as none of these messages are interrupted, your child should have optimal function and the best health possible. If, however, there is any interference with this “information highway” the message sent by the brain will not reach the part of the body it is intended to reach. As a result the body starts to work improperly. Chiropractors call this “malfunction”. It can be a serious threat to health. This interference will often affect the immune system, lower body resistance and leave your child prey to various bugs and infections.
The Function of the Immune System
It is generally agreed that the immune system is very closely linked to the nervous system. The immune system is like a “circulating nervous system”. Most diseases children get are really the result of the improper functioning of that system. This interference in your child’s nervous system is what chiropractors refer to as a vertebral subluxation – small misalignments of the bones of the spine pinching delicate nerves.
How does your baby’s spine lose its natural alignment?
Vertebral subluxations have many causes. The major cause of most is actually the process of being brought into the world – birth. For an infant, it can be very stressful. Subluxations associated with birth trauma can cause hyperactivity, lowered resistance, ear infections, asthma and allergies, as well as signs of “central motor impairment”.
As babies get older, they are often subjected to some uncomfortable traditions: wearing tight diapers that do not allow proper hip development; “jolly jumpers” which place an infant in an upright position long before the spine can deal with gravity; just to name a few. Then of course there is the usual process of crawling, walking, and running. As your child matures, other incidents and activities can also create vertebral subluxations. For instance, falling off a bike or down stairs, soccer, football, and cheerleading.
As an example, the so-called growing pains I mentioned earlier that children often experience in their legs have traditionally been explained as part of childhood. Worried parents hear such nonsensical statements as “It’s nothing – they’ll grow out of it”, or “It is because they are growing”. Many parents tend to buy these excuses. But when we really think about it, those explanations simply do not make any sense. After all, when did it ever hurt to grow? And why only in the legs? Don’t the arms also grown? Why don’t they hurt?
From a chiropractic perspective these “growing pains” are a vertebral subluxation in the low back or they are caused by a “functional pelvic imbalance”. In simple terms, it’s a subluxation of the pelvic bones which then changes the way a child walks. These pelvic imbalance subluxations can lead to the development of early scoliosis (spinal curvature), knee problems and difficulty with balance. These are often the children who are wrongly labeled as “klutzy”.
If allowed to remain, subluxations are the starting point of nerve system and body malfunction. When a vertebral subluxation has existed for some time it will eventually produce symptoms (pain is the most common) as a warning to let you know that something is simply not okay, that there is a threat to health and well-being.
One must remember that symptoms are similar to a fire alarm. They let you know that there is a fire. At this point you have a choice. You can put out the fire (correct the subluxation), or turn off the fire alarm (using medication) to make yourself feel better. Which is logical?
Chiropractic care is for everyone who wants to experience wellness, but especially important for children. It can make a huge difference in their lives. Conditions easily corrected by chiropractic therapy at an early age are often neglected and can be carried by a child as a burden throughout a lifetime.
I firmly believe that all children should be checked by a chiropractor to ensure a normally functioning nervous system and a healthy body. Please contact us at 913-681-6013 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Andrea today!
Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care for Headaches in Overland Park
One of the most common reasons people seek Acupuncture and Chiropractic care for headaches in Overland Park is for headaches. Chiropractic care, acupuncture, and nutritional counseling can get you back on the road to a pain free life!
When you have a headache, your eyes hurt, your forehead pounds, your neck is sore and tight, and your scalp feels as if it’s being slowly removed. Lights bother you and noise sets your teeth on edge. Then there are your children, the house, dinner, your spouse, and the daily demands of life. You would like to stop the world and get off!
Headaches have been sold to the public as a disease to be “treated”. Millions of dollars in advertising are spent annually on the benefits of drugs for headaches. We’ve bought into this carefully contrived thinking. Let’s look at this from a different perspective. The word headache simply means ache in the head. It’s not a disease. It’s a pain – a symptom. I’m not making light of the symptom: it can be severe and debilitating.
Most people are so busy treating their pain they forget that pain has a reason for being. A headache is your body “talking” back to you and you need to interpret that language. It’s a signal to let you know that your body’s having a difficult time handling something and the vast majority of headaches are found at the base of the head, in the region of the temples or over the eyes.
There are several different types of headaches and several different causes for each type of headache. Chiropractors have found that many headaches signify a distortion of some of the vertebrae of the neck area affecting the function of the nervous system. When this happens certain muscles are called into play to protect the nervous system from damage resulting in tension.
Some headaches are not caused by subluxations. They can be caused by wrong diet, poor nutrition, toxins, hormonal changes, or a disease process.
No headaches should be taken lightly. Something is not right. At Stephens Chiropractic and Wellness we will provide a comprehensive examination to help determine the reason for your headaches. Stephens Chiropractic and Wellness will get you back to living a healthy life with chiropractic care, acupuncture, or nutritional counseling.
Chiropractic Solutions to Digestive Issues
Chiropractic Solutions to Digestive Issues
Many patients with digestive problems feel that their difficulties are just an inconvenience and that they can get by with only the occasional stomach cramping, constipation, and once a week diarrhea! They think rectal bleeding is normal, that blood in the stool is OK, and that missing school or work because of these difficulties is just part of life!
I hate to burst your bubble. It’s not normal. Symptoms of digestive distress usually are indicators that there is a malfunction somewhere within the system. Ignoring such signs is akin to cerebral constipation and one thing I’ve learned is that the body does not like to be ignored. You can find chiropractic solutions to digestive issues you are experiencing!
Your digestive system is essentially a long tube that starts at your mouth and ends at your other end. It has one purpose – to extract nutrients and energy from the foods you eat. Digestive organs – esophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder, and intestines – are simply modifications of that tube. Certain digestive enzymes, juices, acids, and other additives are secreted into this system to make the digestion of foods and the extraction of energy more productive. This system is efficient when it functions normally.
Many children and adults, however, suffer from a malfunction of the digestive system. In fact the three most common conditions affecting intestinal function that I see in my practice are irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.
Crohn’s disease is the most serious. It’s a chronic and long-term ulceration of the digestive tract. It usually extends through the wall of the intestine and involves all layers of your digestive tube. In essence, the body attempts to heal localized ulcers and sores and produces scar tissue, which then restricts the movement of food through the system.
Ulcerative colitis, on the other hand, mainly involves the internal layers called the “mucosa” and the “submucosa”. An irritable bowel is even lesser on this scale.
Your nervous system runs your whole body and all its functions: your immune system, heart, healing ability, and even your digestive system. All these function under direct orders from your nervous system. If there is interference with its normal function, your body will not work the way it should. We call this interference a vertebral subluxation. It means that the nervous system is no longer able to control the normal function of your intestinal area.
A subluxation that caused this scope of damage has usually become a pattern the body has learned. It’s a habit – a bad one! A chiropractor will, in all likelihood, place a patient suffering with digestive difficulties on an intense schedule of care in order to get a handle on this bad habit as quickly as possible. We are in fact changing neural programming. However, it’s not treatment for these conditions. Rather, the emphasis is to correct subluxations and make the body function normally. Seeing a chiropractor is crucial in reversing this condition and insuring that the digestive tract is functioning optimally!
Dr. Ogi Ressel, D.C.
Infantile Colic and Chiropractic Care
Infantile Colic
Of all the health challenges that seem to plague infants, this is probably the one that causes the most upset with parents. Imagine for a moment feeding your child, when all of a sudden he/she begins screaming at the top of their lungs, arms curling in, legs drawing up, with what seems to be agonizing pain. All the common remedies associated with “over-the-fence” and grand motherly advice seem to be of no avail. Colic and ear infections are the two that tug at mothers’ and fathers’ heart strings more than any other condition that you will see. Infantile colic and chiropractic care need to go hand-in-hand in minds of parents when their child is suffering from something this horrible.
Most text books describing colic mention that it usually happens in the evening hours. I have not found that to be the case. I found that it tends to occur at any time of the day and seems to have no rhyme or reason. Colic, it seems, tends to start sometime in infancy, around the first few weeks of life, and persists for a number of months.
For those who are not familiar with infantile colic, and have never had the pleasure of dealing with a child who is so afflicted, you have no idea how devastating it can be on parents’ nerves. Why? I’ll tell you. It is characterized by constant crying, screaming, whining, pain in the stomach area, and acute irritability. (This is not cute irritability, this is acute irritability…big difference between the two). The spells of crying can last for hours and parents’ nerves are shot at the end of such spells. This type of crying leads to aerophagia, which means the swallowing of air. This then causes distention or enlargement of the bowels which then creates more pain which creates more crying which creates more air being swallowed which then becomes a cycle. Colic is also characterized by passing an exorbitant amount of gas and abdominal distension, which simply means the stomach area is enlarged and bloated. As well, the infant does not appear to be ill, is gaining weight, and has a good appetite. If either of those are absent, then the incessant crying can be caused by a problem different from colic.
There have been many theories people have used in the past to attempt to explain what colic really is and why it occurs. Some authorities have blamed lactose intolerance, some felt it is caused by stress of the parents, stress of the baby, abnormal gallbladder function, higher levels of intestinal hormones, allergic reactions, digestive hormone instability, etc. None of these seem to be it.
One of the biggest concerns of a child having colic, is that there is a potential for possible child abuse. To be very frank, try to imagine a child screaming for hours nonstop. I find that this will sometimes get on parents’ nerves and on occasion we see a condition which is called “shaken baby syndrome”. This is a condition whereby the baby is literally shaken by the parents to somehow stop him/her from crying. This only takes place when mom and dad are at the very ends of their wit. But, there is a no excuse for this behavior. Shaking an infant can cause irreparable damage to a baby and even death. I am not suggesting that this is a huge problem, but there is potential for abuse of an infant who happens to be colicky. If you do ever feel that you as a parent are close to “losing it”, remember that there is a reason this takes place.
Colic is usually caused by a vertebral subluxation in the spine affecting the way the nervous system is controlling bowel functions. Any chiropractor involved in seeing children will attest to this fact. You must understand that the digestive system is essentially a long tube and is made of muscle walls, which are under the direct control of the nervous system. I find that a vertebral subluxation will reduce the amount of information flowing from the brain to the large intestine in the case of colic – thereby reducing the normal function and motility of the large intestine. This causes food to “stick around” in the large intestine longer than it should, and it tends to produce gas. This gas causes distention of the intestinal wall, causing pain and crying. The cry of the baby is really for help.
Dr. Ogi Ressel, D.C.
Children who are affected by colic generally show a wonderful response in the hands of a chiropractor. If you have any questions please feel free to call us at 913-681-6013!
Chiropractic Care and Asthma
Let’s chat about a condition that strikes fear and anxiety into the heart of almost every parent:
Most likely someone you know is suffering with this condition: Could be your child, a parent, someone close to you, or even yourself. I say this because there are thousands of children (and adults) afflicted by difficulty with breathing.
Just a few short years ago, a report on the status of Asthma in the United States conducted by the Pew Environmental Commission, estimated that Asthma cases will double by the year 2020. This means that one out of every 14 people will suffer from this condition. One out of fourteen? That is huge! I have to tell you that I am absolutely not Ok with that!
Currently, Asthma care costs over $11 billion annually and it is the number one reason for school absenteeism. It accounts for almost 2 million hospital visits and over 5000 deaths yearly in the United States alone!
From 1980 to 1994 the overall number of Asthma sufferers increased by 75 percent and 160 percent specifically in youngsters under four. The Department of Health and Human Services (Healthy People 2000 Initiative) includes an Asthma strategy, although this report[1] states, “it will not be effective in reversing this alarming trend.” A review of the research budget revealed that 70 percent of the funds designated for Asthma were spent on treatment and drug research while less than 9 percent was targeted for prevention.
“Almost nothing is going towards tracking the disease and very little is going
towards prevention and discovering the cause of the disease,” states Dr. Paul Lock, Deputy Commissioner of the Commission.[2]
It is estimated that in the next twenty-five years, 50 percent of all children will have difficulty in catching their breath —Did you catch that? 50%! That is not OK!
Why is this “dis-ease” becoming so rampant? Fabulous question! The medical community has no clue! We, on the other hand, have our suspicions! So….What can be done? Well, let’s see….United Kingdom scientists are beginning hospital trials to see the affects of certain bacteria on Asthma. “There is a global network of biological Asthma research which has demonstrated that the lower the exposure of a baby to certain types of bacteria, the higher the risk of Asthma,” states Dr. Charles Warner, child coordinator and professor of child’s health at the University of South Hampton.
As a matter of fact, researchers are adding a low dose of bacteria, which is commonly found in dirt to the diet of some 400 babies whose families have a history of Asthma. They will then study and assess the child’s risk of developing asthma. It is hoped that these bacteria will eventually play a role in boosting the children’s immune system.
Consider this: Consumers have been driven to be afraid of bacteria, fostering an inappropriate use of antibiotics (“just-in-case” prescriptions), and a market saturated with antibacterial soaps and cleaners. Not only have we created an environment in which resistant super-bug bacteria can thrive, but we also kill bacteria, which are actually beneficial and essential to balance the internal environment of our own bodies.
Not very smart or intelligent, is it?
Let’s look at Science of Breathing: Your body takes air from the outside. This air then passes through your nose, windpipe, and your bronchi. These are all parts of your personal “air conditioning” system, so to speak. This air is then filtered, purified, cleansed, warmed, and humidified before it enters your lungs. Think about the science behind this for a moment. There are amazing biofeedback loops at work here that inform your brain whether the air you are breathing in is too cold, too dry, too polluted, etc. These messages are relayed to your brain, which then makes minute corrections to your ‘program’ every second that you are alive. It is an amazing process and happens very exactly under the perfect guidance of your nervous system. Yes, your nervous system is responsible for this function – it is responsible for your breathing!
So, what is Asthma then?
In children (and adults) who have Asthma, the small tubes in the lungs, called bronchioles, become inflamed and irritated. They then contract and even spasm and produce mucous, which tend to plug up the breathing passages. Children can literally gasp for air. These “attacks” can last minutes or hours and can persist for a lifetime.
It is generally felt that an Asthma attack can be triggered by allergies, stress, pollen, pollution, lack of water, heredity, etc.
And it can be life threatening!
These children (and adults) are condemned to a life of bronchodilators, drugs, and steroids, all of which have serious side effects. These side effects can be either immediate or develop over a lifetime of chronic drug use. Asthma is said to be the leading cause of chronic illness among children. Not a fun thing to have. It is definitely a condition best avoided.
Here is the catch however, and I want you to really think about this for a moment: Have you ever wondered why some children subjected to the same stresses, pollens, etc., develop Asthma while others do not? After all, if Asthma was caused by all the factors the public has been taught and led to believe, then all children absolutely would have it.
Only some do, and their numbers have been rising at an alarming rate!
Why is that? (I love that question)
The standard medical first-line approach to dealing with Asthma is to prescribe inhalant steroids, the so-called “puffers.” These often reduce the frequency and intensity of Asthma attacks, but not without a price – and they certainly do not “cure” it. Steroid use has been linked to osteoporosis, stunted growth in children, nerve damage, and cataracts. The effects of long-term use are unknown since these drugs are still fairly new, believe it or not.
Steroids substitute for and decrease the body’s ability to make its very own steroids,
in response to stress. They also cause a major suppression of the immune system. Those taking high doses of these drugs are warned to avoid vaccinations that are made up of live viruses (MMR, Polio, Chicken Pox). If any of these viruses are contacted while steroids are being used, it could be life threatening. Although these drugs are often taken by pregnant and breast-feeding mothers they have not been tested for safety under these instances (though it stands to reason that these drugs will have similar effects on babies).
Many moms do not realize that all drugs cross the placental barrier and affect their baby. According to a recent study, “the majority of adults and children with Asthma experience unwanted side effects of medication; such as feeling generally restless, shaky hands, shaky feet, racing heartbeat, etc. These side effects have prompted 1 in 3 adults to reduce their medication and cause one in four to skip a dose at some point.”
Some authorities feel that Asthma is really a reaction to a lack of proper hydration of the body; that it is a lack of water. They, therefore, suggest drinking plenty of pure water to hydrate the body. In my practice, I have not met many children who like to drink pure water – it is boring. If you believe this is the solution, I recommend that you use a fruit concentrate, such as Ribena Blackcurrant Concentrate, mixed with 5 parts water for taste. It is an English drink but moms can pick it up in most grocery stores. Or you can use any other fruit drink that is not loaded with sugar.
Many researchers, on the other hand, have found that Asthma seems to be related to our current vaccination program: There are increasing numbers of scientists and practitioners who support this conclusion. Bart Classen M.D., of Classen Immunotherapies in Maryland, is among the most vociferous. (You are welcome to visit his web site at
How does this work? Here is the reason: Vaccination alters the normal immune response and makes a child’s immune system overreact to something perfectly innocuous, plus, it introduces a foreign agent into their body – I shudder at the thought (I will be discussing vaccination and its effects on the health of our children in later issues of this newsletter)!
As a result, a child’s immune system is over-stimulated and becomes over-sensitive. Air, for example, that would not normally bother a person, can have an adverse effect on a child whose nervous and immune systems are “overloaded.” You may be surprised to learn that Asthma, difficulty breathing, coughing, chest tightness, etc., are actually only symptoms.
It means that your child’s body (or yours) is not able to deal with this problem on its own!
To understand this better, I want you to think about this for a moment: D. D. Palmer, the Discoverer of Chiropractic, once explained it this way in 1885, “I desired to know “what is it that causes one man to be sick, while his partner, sitting at the same table, eating the same food, drinking the same water, breathing the same air, is healthy?”
If you understand this, you are on your way!
Doctors of Chiropractic like myself have been helping children with chiropractic care and Asthma for years. We need to remember that we are dealing with children, NOT their Asthma. Our approach recognizes that difference. We feel it is important to deal with the child, NOT his label.
Let’s take a look at how the body functions; Your Health is based on four profound principles:
1. Your Body is self-healing
Yes, your Body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism. It is designed to heal itself and regulate all its functions. Amazing!
And it follows a very exact program in order to perform all of its amazing functions.
You could say you are on “Auto Pilot!”
2. Your Nervous System runs and
controls your whole body and all its
functions. It controls the way you breathe, the way you digest food, what you see, the way you move, your immune system, and everything else.
3. As long as there is no interference to the normal function of your nervous system, you should experience the best of health.
If something interferes with the function of the nervous system, it will no longer be able to control the body as it was meant to.
Your body will not work as it should.
It will do its “own thing.” This is called
And if a part of the body is malfunctioning,
it will slowly start to become sick.
This is called Dis-ease.
When your body is no longer able to handle the disease stage, it will then “talk” to you in a language you can easily understand.
The language your body uses is called “Symptoms.”
So… what can interfere with the function of your Nervous System? Well….If one of the vertebrae of your spine becomes subluxated, it will interfere with the way the nervous system controls your body functions. You will no longer be able to function normally. Your body will do its own “thing”.
4. My mission is to correct these Vertebral Subluxations.
This restores normal nervous system balance and all body functions start to improve – including Breathing!!! And no drugs are involved! I like that!
Dr. Ogi Ressel, D.C.
If you know someone who is suffering with Asthma, please have them talk with me. I can help!
Please…if you have any questions, or would like any information on any health topic, it would be my pleasure to help you!
Spinal and Disc Degeneration
Last month I chatted with you about a condition that I see in my practice every single day – Osteoarthritis, Disc, and Spinal Degeneration. And I mentioned to you that it usually has a start in childhood – from a fall off a bike, off a tree, off a fence, hockey, skateboard, etc., – the causes are numerous.
Whatever the incident, it produces a Vertebral Subluxation which your child’s body then needs to adapt to. And it starts to learn how to adapt – the Vertebral Subluxation becomes a habit. It becomes a neurological pattern. And it affects the function of the nervous system. And it starts to affect body functions. And we have a problem.
I also mentioned that as the Subluxation escalates and becomes a habit, it tends to produce a progressive sequence of spinal and disc degeneration in four very specific phases.
I have also mentioned earlier, that for years there has been a general feeling that arthritis and all the Phases of Degeneration I described to you in the last issue of this newsletter, is simply just a normal part of aging – you are getting older. I would like to state emphatically that this type of thinking is absolute nonsense. It is like having Cerebral Constipation!
We know for a fact that Osteoarthritis and Spinal Degeneration are NOT caused by aging. This is not some “aging disease.” And it does not mean that your fate will be some rocking chair – your hands all gnarled and stiff – unable to walk. No. This is caused by some of the vertebrae of the spine being subluxated – and being that way for years – while others are perfectly normal.
Consider a case, for example, which I would see quite often in my office. This is an example of an individual who came to see me in pain, perhaps in the back, legs, weakness, numbness and tingling, cramping in the calf, and possible difficulty with bowel or bladder function. In most cases, this person would seek the opinion of the family medic who would perform an examination, followed by x-rays, and would discover that the bottom disc of the spine is severely deteriorated while the disc, two or three above that one, would be perfectly normal. This person would then be told that they have arthritis and degeneration because they are getting old!
Let’s look at the logic closely: How many of you would feel that the two discs and vertebrae I just described, because they belonged to the same person, are most likely the same age? If you said yes, you are definitely on the ball. If the deterioration of this person’s disc (and spine) was due to his/her age, then the disc above it, below it, and everywhere else would look exactly the same. Is that logical? I’d say so. And, in almost every case I have seen at my office, there is usually one, or two, or perhaps three discs that are deteriorating and the rest are quite normal.
The point I am making is that Spinal Degeneration has little to do with aging.
I repeat – nothing to do with aging. It has everything to do with the fact that there is a subluxation in their spine which has been there for decades and has never been corrected! And….that person is allowing it to remain! Crazy!
Would you be in trouble? Yes! I would definitely agree with you! Yes!
What if it controlled your bladder? You’d be running to the bathroom constantly! And even dribbling!
And what if that nerve controlled your breathing? You would have difficulty catching your breath – Asthma.
Subluxations – they are not fun! And they can be likened to a dental cavity – causing destruction of the surrounding tissues over the course of time!
Earlier, I mentioned subluxations occurring during the process of delivery, and this is the very reason I very often find the beginnings of Spinal Degeneration in children who are ten, six, or even five years old. It is the beginning of the process. If I then saw this particular child as an adult at the age of thirty five, I would most likely see that same condition but much, much, more advanced – probably where you are!
But not all is Doom and Gloom. This next bit of news may just brighten up your day: A number of years ago, approximately fifty chiropractic doctors, from the Province of Ontario, Canada, were involved in a major research study that involved literally thousands and thousands of patients. They discovered that if a patient was placed on a schedule designed to actually correct their Subluxation habit and pattern, it was then possible to not only slow down the process of Spinal and Disc Degeneration, but also eventually arrest and stop it, and even reverse the damage. It could be reversed! Let me repeat this sentence to make sure there is no misunderstanding:
Spinal and Disc Degeneration can be not only slowed down and stopped, but also reversed. That’s profound!
Just a few years ago in October, he published a sequel to that original research paper where he found that over 85% of children demonstrated the beginnings of Spinal Degeneration! 85%! I am not ok with that!
The point I want to emphasize is that it is very important to have children checked to determine whether or not they have subluxations. Not only from the perspective of insuring normal health and function of the nervous system, but also to make certain that there is no error in the function of the vertebrae that would then cause this degenerative process to start.
Dr. Ogi Ressel, D.C.
So… please have your kids checked at our office – I want to make sure they are the
best they can be! It is a smart thing to do! And it would be my greatest pleasure to be able to check your kids! Simply ask me to schedule time for their check-up and I’ll take it from there. Easy!
I am very dedicated to the health of our children. I want to make certain that their generation grows up believing in the Power that makes their body function as it was meant to!
Can Chiropractic Help Menstrual Cramps?
YES! Chiropractors in Overland Park have been helping women with menstrual difficulties for years. I recently saw a 19 year old woman with such terrible menstrual cramps that she required hospitalization a number of times. Her pain was nothing short of excruciating, I am happy (and so is she) to report she no longer suffers from menstrual cramps and now leads a normal life.
You may find this surprising, you probably thought chiropractors in Overland Park deal only with conditions such as back pain, neck pain and headaches. That perception is beginning to change.
To understand how chiropractic can help with menstrual cramps, it is important to understand that chiropractic health care is based on four principles. The body is a self-regulating organism designed to heal itself; the nervous system is responsible for running all body functions; any interference to the normal function of the nervous system will affect the way the body functions.
As chiropractors in Overland Park, our mission is to restore normal nervous system function, thereby restoring health.
Menstrual cramps are just one signal the body produces to let you know when something isn’t right. There are others, including low-back aches, tingling in the legs, bowel problems, urinary difficulties, and leg cramps.
Dealing with these symptoms without determining their root cause is like placing a bucket under a leaky ceiling without repairing the roof.
In the case of menstrual cramps, it is important to find out why your daughter is suffering. There is a reason. Chiropractors in Overland Park are there to help and can provide recommendations. In the case of the young woman I mentioned earlier, she had a vertebral subluxation at the bottom of her spine that affected the way her nervous system controlled her reproductive functions. Such a subluxation is somewhat like a misalignment of one of the vertebrae of the spine affecting the delicate nerves responsible for menstrual functions. By correcting this, normal nerve function is restored and symptoms disappear.
Dr. Ogi Ressel, D.C.