Sports Physicals available at Stephens Chiropractic and Wellness!
Holiday Closings!
Thursday, November 23rd – Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, December 21st – Christmas Vacation
Monday, December 25th – Christmas Day
Monday, January 1st – New Year’s Day
Congratulations, Dr. Andrea!
Congratulations to Dr. Andrea for her Eleven Year dedication to the Chiropractic Profession! Stephens Chiropractic and Wellness opened in Overland Park in 2011, and transferred to Hays in 2014! Blessings to another successful Eleven Years at Stephens Chiropractic and Wellness!
New Patients and Walk-In Patients are Always Welcome!
New Patients and Walk-In Patients are always welcome at Stephens Chiropractic and Wellness! We look forward to seeing You and Your Family in the office!
COVID-19 UPDATE: “We’ve Got Your Back!”
We would like to inform our Patients that Stephens Chiropractic and Wellness will be operating with Regular Business Hours, including every other Friday.
Stephens Chiropractic and Wellness is designated an essential healthcare facility, and plays a key role in keeping individuals healthy. We are focused on providing you with the same service and care you know and love, while taking the precautions necessary to ensure a safe and healthy environment.
As stated in previous emails, we are keeping our office sanitized, washing our hands regularly, offering a parking lot reception area, gapping patient appointments to comply with social distancing recommendations, and offering masks/gloves for protection upon request.
If you or your family have been exposed to Coronavirus, or have traveled to an area infected with Coronavirus, we ask that you please stay home at this time.
We are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 Pandemic, following KDHE, ACA and KCA guidelines, and will do everything we can to keep You, Your Family and Our Community SAFE – “We’ve Got Your Back!”
God Bless,
Dr. Andrea M. Stephens, D.C.
Owner/Stephens Chiropractic and Wellness